Zambian cataract patient Gladys


10岁的Gladys在五兄弟姐妹当中排行第四。她与家人在赞比亚铜带省的Kitwe镇生活。他们的家距离Kitwe Eye Annexe只有20公里,十分方便。 Gladys正在学校读五年级,她的爸爸Joseph是一位商人,负责维修冷气机组件,她的妈妈则在一间地区教堂担任牧师。

在2014年10月,Gladys刚满9岁。有一天早上,她与堂兄到后园玩耍。 17岁的堂兄拾起一枝树枝,插中Gladys的右眼。

Gladys放声大哭求助,跑进屋内找她的爸爸。她的眼睛立刻变红和肿胀。 Joseph赶快带Gladys到最近的诊所,购买眼药水纾缓和清洁女儿的眼睛。此后,Gladys感觉好转,翌日更如常上学,很快便忘记了那次意外。

几个月后,Gladys的姊姊告诉妈妈她看见Gladys的右眼出现白点,而且她在晚上也能看见那些点。 Gladys的父母没有察觉问题,所以没有理会女儿的话。直至2015年2月,Gladys的父母终于看见她右眼的白点。

Zambian patient Gladys has a cataract caused by trauma to the eye

Their first reaction was to take Gladys to church to be prayed for but there was no change. They waited four long months before they took their daughter to a clinic in the township. The clinic immediately referred the young girl to Kitwe Central Hospital, the one facility with the skills and expertise to manage paediatric eye conditions.

At the Kitwe Eye Annexe Gladys was diagnosed with traumatic cataract and was booked for cataract surgery. The surgery was a success and whereas Gladys’s visual acuity pre-surgery was recorded as Hand Movement (HM) in the right eye and the left eye 6/6, post-surgery the vision in her right eye was 6/12 and 6/6 with spectacles.

Her parents are so grateful for their daughter’s recovery and vowed to inform others in the about the successful cataract surgery that Gladys had.

Zambian cataract patient Gladys


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